Two and a half years and no posts… What happened? Good question.
I often wondered why well written blogs abruptly came to a halt. The authors clearly knew a lot about their subjects and posted some useful content but then they went quiet. Whether I have posted useful content or not I don’t know – I only made a few posts so the odds may be against it! – but I certainly went quiet. The truth is that after acknowledging at the outset that the blog may “die on its arse” I then developed some grand ideas whereas I should have probably approached things with a more gradual plan.
One reason I am a full time trader is freedom. Freedom from the 9-(if you’re lucky!)5 drudgery, freedom from the rat race, freedom from clueless bosses who have got where they are because they can talk the talk rather than walk the walk, freedom from the risk of being laid off, freedom from pointless meetings… You get the picture. I get to choose what I do, when I do it and where I do it from (I am writing this on the terrace of a chalet in the Alps) With my grandiose plans I found that it changed from an enjoyable pastime where I could share some knowledge and hopefully help aspiring traders to something I felt I had to do. It became a chore.
So I stopped. Why am I starting again? The truth is I like helping people, giving something back. When I began cricket trading there was very little out there to help people starting out. There is a lot more these days but much of it is of questionable quality. I won’t be able to tell you how to make “£10,000 per day working from home for 3 hours for the ‘one-time only’ discounted price of £29.99 along with several free gifts with a value of £769”! Perhaps there isn’t anyone who can…
What I can do is, hopefully, point you in the right direction and get you started on a profitable trading journey. I am not going to make any commitments as to posting frequency and I may just throw up a few screenshots now and again to show what is possible. I know that “P&L blogs” are a controversial subject and I agree that on their own screenshots of big green numbers do not give much to the reader but I personally find that they are interesting when coupled with other content.
Let’s see how we go.
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